

2024-04-24 08:40:19 编辑:join 浏览量:532


Here’s a list of what you can expect from Consumed :以下是《行尸走肉》第五季第六集《Consumed》剧透:

- The city is back ! Daryl and Carol are heading back to Atlanta, to find Beth. Atlanta has really changed since we last saw it. As expected, things didn’t get better there. The city is very dangerous, the walkers are everywhere there. It really gives more reality to what the world has become.-重回城市!Daryl和Carol又回到了亚特兰大找Beth。亚特兰大和上次离开时的样子又不一样了。可以预料到的是情况丝毫没有好转。城市仍然非常危险,到处都是丧尸。这次回到亚特兰大可以让大家更现实的看到世界究竟变成了什么样。

- There will be more flashbacks. The Walking Dead has really found a remarkable way to insert those flashbacks and make them relevant.-这一集将会上演更多的闪回。《行尸走肉》已经找到了一套行使有效的演绎闪回的模式。

- Carol and Daryl will find a good shelter in the city. It's actually a place where one of them has already been in his/her past.-Carol和Daryl将会在亚特兰大找到一处不错的安身之所。这里其实就是他/她以前生活的地方。

- Walkers can fall from the sky, in a way... You will see.-丧尸其实是可以从天上飞下来的...以某种方式...看了你就懂了。- There will be two car accidents ! One of them is quite obvious, still very shocking to watch but the second one will be more surprising and quite impressive.-下一集中会出现两场车祸!有一场是可以预料到的,不过场面还是会让观众震惊。而另一场则是让人万万没想到,并给观众留下深刻印象的。


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