Sunday night's Season 3 premiere of "The Walking Dead" left its record-setting audience with a few significant questions.周日晚播出的《行尸走肉》第三季第一集收视人数又破纪录了,同时还给我们留下了很多疑问。
Like, will Hershel survive getting his leg chopped off? And who the heck are those non-walker prisoners Rick and company saw in the closing moments?比如,Hershel的脚被砍掉之后,他还能活下来吗?在上一集最后一段出现的那些活人又是谁?
These photos from Season 3's second episode, "Sick," don't exactly answer any burning questions. But that is Hershel that Carol, Beth, Lori and Rick are surrounding in one of the images. The other two shots feature Daryl and T-Dog in badass mode, suggesting that the premiere's walker massacre isn't over yet.这些问题从这几张《行尸走肉》第三季第二集剧照来看,我们找不到明确的答案。但是其中一张剧照中,Carol、Beth、Lori和Rick围着的那个人,就是Hershel。另外两张照片则是Daryl和T-Dog摆出的攻击造型,意思是第一集的行尸大屠杀还没有结束。