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中国好声音:崔天琪 - Mad World

2024-06-26 03:52:59 编辑:join 浏览量:574

中国好声音:崔天琪 - Mad World

这一期《中国好声音》迎来了一位小 Lady Gaga。这位来自黑龙江的90后女生崔天琪,用她特别的声音演绎了 Alex Parks 的《Mad World》。她10岁开始写歌编曲,从小学习古典乐器的她也热爱摇滚,曲风多元。阿妹第一个转过来,对她声音赞不绝口的同时更是大喊了三遍:我要你的声音!崔天琪更是现场演唱了自己创作的歌曲。看完了好声音,让我们来听听Alex Parks版本吧!


All around me are familiar faces

Worn out places, worn out faces

Bright and early for their daily races

Going nowhere, going nowhere

And their tears are filling up their glasses

No expression, no expression

Hide my head I want to drown my sorrow

No tomorrow, no tomorrow

And I find it kind of funny

I find it kind of sad

The dreams in which I m dying

Are the best I ve ever had

I find it hard to tell you

Cos I find it hard to take

When people run in circles

It s a very, very

Mad World

Children waiting for the day they feel good

Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday

Made to feel the way that every child should

Sit and listen, sit and listen

Went to school and I was very nervous

No one knew me, no one knew me

Hello teacher tell me what's my lesson

Look right through me, look right through me


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