这个是检测1.1的 最好找到装有2.0的修改一下下面版本号 还有3.0的 Public Function DoesDotNETFrameworkExist() As Boolean Dim o_blnRet As Boolean Dim o_strRet As String With New cRegistry .hKey = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE .KeyPath = Software\Microsoft\.NETFramework If .DoesKeyExist() Then .KeyPath = Software\Microsoft\.NETFramework o_strRet = GetRegValue(.GetRegistryValue(InstallRoot, )) o_blnRet = (o_strRet ) If o_blnRet Then With New cFileFuncs o_blnRet = .DoesFileExistEx(o_strRet & v1.0.3705\mscorlib.dll) If o_blnRet Then Else o_blnRet = .DoesFileExistEx(o_strRet & v1.1.4322\mscorlib.dll) End If End With Else End If Else o_blnRet = False End If End With DoesDotNETFrameworkExist = o_blnRet End Function